Узнайте Блокчейнселенная и обнаружьте его возможности

Вас приветствует TrendBow Academy, обучающая платформа, на которой вы можете научиться успешно взаимодействовать в мире блокчейн. Пользователи TrendBow будут иметь доступ к эксклюзивному контенту, где они смогут обучиться новому способу взаимодействия в онлайне.

Blockchain Technology

Learn the basics to understand this trending technology


Откройте для себя новый способ серфинга в Интернете и его возможности.

Заявление о нашей миссии

Стать эталоном трендов

Изучайте, внедряйте и развивайте новые навыки в двух самых революционных отраслях современности.

Социальные медиа

Воплотить в жизнь оптимальные знания и навыки для мира социальных медиа.


Воспользуйтесь преимуществами эпизодических мастер-классов, проводимых экспертами в течение ограниченного времени.

Хаки и учебные пособия

В пакетах "Влияние" и "Престиж" вы получаете доступ к хакам и учебным пособиям по использованию блокчейна и платформ социальных сетей.

Эксклюзивные интервью

Узнайте из нашего экспертного ток-шоу об инновациях и передовых концепциях.

Некоторые платформы, на которых вы можете
вы можете реализовать наше обучение

For all your questions contact us at

Our Courses

Choose the best option for you

As a TrendBow user you will be able to get the course corresponding to the package you purchased. Please note that there is no upgrade option.

Profile Course

Discover the importance of decentralization in today’s world.

Social Course

Development of some of the trending technologies, their implications and characteristics. This package also includes the content of the Profile course.

Notorious Course

Expansion of technological concepts, trends, strategies and cutting-edge solutions.

This package also includes the content of the Profile and Social courses.

Notorious Course

Expansion of technological concepts, trends, strategies and cutting-edge solutions.

This package also includes the content of the Profile and Social courses.

Influence Course

Strategies and mechanisms to generate influence in the Blockchainverse. This package also includes the content of the Profile, Social and Notorious courses.

Prestige Course

The most complete course. With analysis of multiple trends, functionalities and hacks to capitalise the new technologies in a massive way. This package also includes the content of the Profile, Social, Notorious and Influence courses.

Influence Course

Strategies and mechanisms to generate influence in the Blockchainverse. This package also includes the content of the Profile, Social and Notorious courses.

Prestige Course

The most complete course. With analysis of multiple trends, functionalities and hacks to capitalise the new technologies in a massive way. This package also includes the content of the Profile, Social, Notorious and Influence courses.

How to join TrendBow Academy

Steps to follow

As a TrendBow user you will be able to join in 4 simple steps

Find a sponsor

TrendBow is a private community, so in order to access to its benefits you will need an invitation link or Referral Code.

Register on TrendBow.com

Community registration and package purchase must be done at TrendBow.com

Select your pack

Once you are registered, choose the pack you want. Please note that once you have chosen your pack you will not be able to upgrade. Remember, the higher level always includes the content of the lower packages.

Access the Academy

With the same username and password, you use to access TrendBow.com you can access TrendBow.Academy.

Find a sponsor

TrendBow is a private community, so in order to access to its benefits you will need an invitation link or Referral Code.

Register on TrendBow.com

Community registration and package purchase must be done at TrendBow.com

Select your pack

Once you are registered, choose the pack you want. Please note that once you have chosen your pack you will not be able to upgrade. Remember, the higher level always includes the content of the lower packages.

Access the Academy

With the same username and password, you use to access TrendBow.com you can access TrendBow.Academy.

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